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The museum is a high-class museum in our republic, it consists of two floors. The total area is 2700 square meters, the exposition area is 1073 square meters, the main fund is 2260, and the scientific auxiliary fund is 409 square meters. The 1st floor of the museum is called the "Hall of glory", where the achievements of Uzbek athletes in prestigious sports competitions, Olympic and paralympic, Asian and Para-Asian Games are displayed.
On the 2nd floor of the museum, there is a world history of the Olympic and paralympic Games, children's sports, history of honored athletes of Uzbekistan, national sports and games (ethnosport), mapping zone. Among the exhibits are numismatics with a long history, Olympic and paralympic badges, tokens, medals, postage stamps, Olympic and paralympic torches, posters, works of art, trophies, books and documents. , film and photo materials are available. Among the exhibits, it is worth noting that there is a silver coin with an Olympic design from 450-470 BC, brought from the Greek island of Kos, and exhibits donated to the museum from the personal collection of Juan Antonio Samaranch, the head of the International Olympic Committee at that time.
Events held at the museum and photos from them
23-dekabr kuni Olimpiya va Paralimpiya shon-shuhrati muzeyida “Milliy sport mukofoti-2024” taqdirlash marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi.
23-dekabr kuni Olimpiya va Paralimpiya shon-shuhrati muzeyida “Milliy sport mukofoti-2024” taqdirlash marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Tadbirda yakunlanib borayotgan 2024-yilda Olimpiya va Paralimpiya dasturiga kiritilgan sport turlari bo‘yicha jahon chempionatlarida sovrinli o‘rinlarni egallagan sportchilar va ularning murabbiylariga pul mukofotlari tantanali ravishda topshirildi.On December 20, a solemn awarding ceremony was held at the Museum of Olympic and Paralympic Glory for the winners and prize-winners of the 2024 World Championships in Olympic and Paralympic sports among juniors and youth, as well as the coaches who trained them.
On December 20, a solemn awarding ceremony was held at the Museum of Olympic and Paralympic Glory for the winners and prize-winners of the 2024 World Championships in Olympic and Paralympic sports among juniors and youth, as well as the coaches who trained them.
The event was attended by Deputy Minister of Sports Shahrillo Makhmudov, Secretary General of the National Olympic Committee of Uzbekistan Oybek Kasimov, Chairman of the Council of Sports Veterans Bakhodir Maksitov, and athlete-coaches.
During the event, certificates of monetary awards were solemnly presented to the winners and prize-winners of the 2024 World Championships in Olympic and Paralympic sports among juniors and youth, as well as the coaches who trained them.Joriy yilning 6-dekabr kuni Olimpiya va paralimpiya shon-shuhrati muzeyida “Yangi O‘zbekiston, yangilangan konstitutsiya” shiori ostida Chirchiq davlat pedagogika unversiteti talabalari hamda Parij-2024 XVII Yozgi Paralimpiya o‘yinlari g‘olib va sovrindorlari o‘rtasida uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Joriy yilning 6-dekabr kuni Olimpiya va paralimpiya shon-shuhrati muzeyida “Yangi O‘zbekiston, yangilangan konstitutsiya” shiori ostida Chirchiq davlat pedagogika unversiteti talabalari hamda Parij-2024 XVII Yozgi Paralimpiya o‘yinlari g‘olib va sovrindorlari o‘rtasida uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
Qizg‘in savol-javoblar va taassurotlarga boy bo‘lgan tadbir davomida talabalarga muzey xodimlari tomonidan qiziqarli ekskursiya taqdim etildi. Faol talabalarga hamda universitet ustozlariga muzey tomonidan esdalik sovg‘alari topshirildi.The Minister of Sports held a meeting with young people
On November 29 of this year, a meeting was held at the Museum of Olympic and Paralympic Glory with the participation of the Minister of Sports Adkham Ikramov with the youth attached to the minister.
During the meeting, Minister A.Ikramov held a one-on-one conversation with the youth, studied their suggestions and wishes, and gave relevant instructions to those responsible.
Also, at the end of the event, the youth were presented with souvenirs from the Minister of Sports and were introduced to the museum.
Museum items and collections
1932 Los Angeles Olympics Commemorative Bracelet
1932 Los Angeles Olympics Commemorative Bracelet
1932 Los Angeles Olympics Commemorative Bracelet
1932 Los Angeles Olympics Commemorative Bracelet
2002 Sydney Olympic Games gate.
2002 Sydney Olympic Games gate.
Commemorative token of the 1924 Paris VIII Olympic Games